We help you design Policies and Guidelines, and run subsequent audits to ensure top department performance

Health-check Assessments and Independent Procurement Audits

The Procurement function is one whose potential to contribute to the bottom line has not been fully optimised by many corporations. Over the past decade it has gained importance in the West, and the current economic climate has highlighted the benefits of Strategic Sourcing. Having an efficient Purchasing organisation is instrumental in helping company profits, especially during times of crisis.
We understand that many Procurement departments are constantly under pressure with day-to-day projects and thus performance or governance self-assessment may not have been their priority. Straudico offers the support that your teams, management and shareholders require by running an independent assessment of your processes, policies and purchasing organisation in order to identify opportunities in stewardship, efficiency and return-on-investment.
These are provided in 2 steps, that can be used jointly or separately:
1. Health-check Assessment of your Procurement departments
Designed to identify gaps in the set up and running of the team, the health-check assessment allows for comparison vs. similar companies, and adjustments in the customisation of governance documentation for subsequent audits. Gaps will be highlighted, policies and guidelines specific to your company will be drafted and teams will be trained on their implementation and application.
2. Independent Procurement Audits
Either by using the customised governance documents designed in the Health-check Assessment, the client's original policies or our own set, as agreed with your management, we run independent audits that will allow you to close gaps vs. ideal department performance.
Examples of areas that will be covered:
Drafting, implementation and application of strategies, policies and processes
Spend analysis, category management, benchmarking
Structure of procurement function, staff development
Implementation and application of contractual agreements
Customer and Supplier Relationship Management
Are you interested in our Audit services? Please contact us at info@straudico.com for details!